Keerthi Vibisan
Keerthi Vibisan
Software Engineer at Grootan working on IAM

How Emails Work: Behind the Scenes

Emails are part of modern communication, but have you ever thought how an email travels from your device to the recipient’s inbox ?
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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

It is an authentication method that requires user’s to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a system or application, rather than relying on one factor or authentication (which is commonly a password).

can combination of password and security question check can be qualified as MFA?

No, having password + security question check will not be qualified as MFA. Because both password and security question belong to the same authentication factor or category.

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Wi-Fi Security

Wi-Fi security has evolved significantly since the introduction of WEP in 1999. Early attempts, like WEP, provided basic protection but were easily compromised. WPA, introduced in 2003, improved security by dynamically changing encryption keys but retained some vulnerabilities. WPA2, launched in 2004, brought robust encryption with AES, though it faced issues like the KRACK vulnerability. In 2018, WPA3 addressed these weaknesses, introducing stronger encryption and protections against offline attacks. The blog also explains the critical 4-way handshake, a process that ensures secure communication between devices on a network.
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